β˜„οΈ$APOLLO Undisputed Wealth Storage

$APOLLO - The Ultimate True Wealth Generation Storage token & Daylight Utility Token

$APOLLO is the world's first true wealth generation storage, consisting of an ever appreciating stable asset that CANNOT GO DOWN IN PRICE, and has intrinsic taxes to enable a price rise on every single sell/transfer/buy on the token itself, as well as a taxation to feed back to the original $DAYL token (Daylight token) that buys back & burns the Daylight token on the Orion DEX. Read more about the Daylight token here:

The Apollo token has certain taxation mechanisms involve that ensure its ever appreciating price value. The token is intrinsic and does not utilize liquidity pools, but pure backed assets and collateral over 100% instead. The Apollo token is 100%+ backed by $BUSD and will continue to be backed over its start value at $1, in perpetuity.

Below is a breakdown of trading volume fees and transparency on its utility:

The Apollo Token's internal pricing mechanism assures that every token is over 100% backed by actual value, and that every transaction, every purchase, sale, or transfer, improves the value of the token relative to its underlying backed wrapped asset.

There is no operation that may reduce the value of an Apollo Token, and no special privileges are offered to owners/developers of the Apollo token or its solutions.

Planetary Price Rise Protocol (PPRP)

A Planetary Price Rise Protocol is the name given to the price action algorithm (PPRP). This algorithm distributes the tax on purchases and sales in order to alter the ratio between the Backing Asset and the token's dynamic Total Supply more in favor of the backing asset. Regardless of the kind of transaction, our Planetary Price Rise Protocol (PPRP) provides a steady increase in token value to the supporting asset. Transactions to buy, sell, and transfer tokens have varied consequences on the growing value of the tokens.

Contract Buys

When Apollo Tokens are produced, new tokens are added to the overall supply dependent on how many assets are received as collateral for the Apollo Token. Because of the tax, the Total Supply of Tokens rises at a somewhat lower pace than the current value, allowing for price appreciation. Rather than receiving 100% of the projected value in tokens, the Apollo Token will mint the buyer:

nTokens - (nTokens * tax)
reduced number of tokens created at current value

The value equivalent of the backing asset is swapped for the value equivalent of the BUSD utilized for purchase. After then, the backing asset is sent to the contract pool. In this situation, if the BUSD and Apollo amounts were both equal before to this transaction, PPRP would induce a shift in favor of the supporting asset, causing the token's price to rise.

More transaction volume is necessary to maintain the same momentum as total supply and asset supply rise. The ecosystem can sustain continuous volume to maintain this momentum by using the Trader ecosystem's linear price action and successful sales. Buys increase the price logarithmically.

Contract Transfers

When a token is transferred, a percentage-based fee is deducted from the transfer amount, lowering the overall supply of the token and increasing its price compared to its redeemable value.

nTokens - (nTokens * tax)
reduced number of tokens transferred at current value with an additional % burnt

Transfers of the token increase the price linearly as it removes tokens from circulation without touching the backing supply.

Contract Sells

When tokens are returned to the contract, they are burned and subtracted from the Total supply. In addition, instead of the seller redeeming 100% of their estimated value, they would redeem:

nAssets - (nAssets * tax)
Reduced number of underlying assets redeemed

Because the whole supply was taken, but the quantity of assets returned was taxed, the ratio changes even more in favor of the asset in the contract, increasing its value.

When a token is sold, it is eliminated, lowering the overall supply. The quantity of underlying assets to redeem is taxed, raising the price of each token compared to its redeemable worth. Sells lower both total supply and asset supply, allowing for more price action with less transaction volume. Sells increase the price exponentially.

Last updated