πŸ’§Pools & Farms

Token holders and Liquidity providers will be able to earn additional tokens in perpetuity by staking their tokens or staking LP tokens.

The exclusive farm page for native earnings can be reached at https://farms.daylightprotocol.com/, where anyone who holds $DAYL will be able to farm additional tokens at a logarithmically depreciating rate that will appreciate in value & volume in relation to daily volume.

Pools & Farms available:

  1. $DAYL MAXI: Single staking, auto-compounded farm for $DAYL tokens. Max Payout: 0.1% daily, compounded. Lockup: YES Duration: 2 weeks Early Withdraw Fee: YES, 30%

  2. $DAYL-BUSD SHORT FARM: LP Farm for $DAYL-BUSD tokens. Max Payout: 1% daily. Lockup: YES Duration: 2 weeks Early Withdraw Fee: YES, 30%

  3. $DAYL-BUSD LONG FARM: LP Farm for $DAYL-BUSD tokens. Max Payout: 2.5% daily. Lockup: YES Duration: 6 months/180 days Early Withdraw Fee: YES, 30%

  4. $DAYL-MDB+ LONG FARM: LP Farm for $DAYL-BUSD tokens. Max Payout: 1.5% daily. Lockup: YES Duration: 3 months/90 days Early Withdraw Fee: YES, 30%

Buy $MDB+ on Xenia: https://app.mdb.fund/

Last updated