🧬Aurora Protocol

Aurora – The Undisputed Stability Mechanism

To be viable, any cryptocurrency is in need of active expansion of the protocol's treasury. As a result, some procedures adopt risky lending practices, which, although profitable, produce cascading liquidations as losses pile on downward market swings. This is extremely problematic not just for the great majority of investors, but also for the teams left in charge of projects during periods of low market sentiment.

Daylight Protocol aims to combat this by implementing the refined burning and stability mechanism Aurora Protocol that is a technological series of smart contracts automated to burn supply based on transactional finality and stabilize the price of the protocol while mitigating detrimental effects towards token holders and investors. Aurora employs a taxation mechanism that utilizes burn values to permanently raise floor price based on token amount sold. 40% of what is transacted is burnt, causing a supply decrease and floor price increase.

Daylight Protocol intends to keep the price point of the token trading remarkably higher than its launch price. To do this, we employ fractional liquidity as well as redeemable assets which act as collaterals for the floor price. This ensures that even in the event of shallow liquidity, holders would still be able to redeem the floor price value by employing a sell-burn to the token contract.

The Aurora ensures that in order to continuously raise floor price, we are able to manually burn tokens from the circulating supply, as well as the liquidity pools to ensure maximum sustainability and exploit the deflationary aspect to create an appreciating true value that is fully collateralized.

The Aurora protocol has the primary function as the FeeReceiver to work the Daylight taxes in order to continue increasing the value and backing of the protocol in perpetuity at each trigger.

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